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Collecting Payment – Stripe

Collecting payment with Stripe gateway is handled with WP BASE Stripe Addon.

Setup – Monetary Settings

In order to ask clients pay with Stripe (or with any other payment gateway), you need to set Monetary Settings first:

  1. Visit WP BASE → Monetary Setting → General page
  2. Set Payment Required as Yes
  3. Check the other settings on the page: Currency, symbol, decimal separator
  4. Check Prepayment part. If you will ask full price from your clients you can skip following step:
  5. Prepayment is a partial payment either based on percentage of service price or a fixed price that must be less than full price. Fill either Prepayment (%) or Prepayment (fixed) field
  6. Check if Security Deposit is available and it will be added to the total amount. If yes set Add Security Deposit to Total Amount as Yes
  7. Click Save Settings button
Setup – Stripe
  1. Visit WP BASE → Monetary Setting → Payment Gateways page
  2. Check the check box for Stripe under Active Payment Gateways
  3. Click Save Settings button. Stripe tab will be revealed after save
  4. Fill in the fields in Stripe tab:
    • Public Name is the text displayed beside selection radio button on confirmation form on front end if there are more than one active gateway
    • Currency is the currency that you may accept. Only currencies accepted by Stripe are listed here
    • API Credentials are publishable key and public key pairs which you need to obtain from your Stripe account. Copy and paste keys in these fields. Please note that live mode and test (sandbox) mode keys are different.
    • Fee is the cost of transaction that will be added to the total payable amount (including security deposit if set so) when this payment method is selected. Percentage and/or fixed value can be used. When both fields are entered, they will be summed up. As client selects the gateway, total amount is updated on the fly. Example: If fee is 2,5% + $0,50 then a total price of $100 will be collected as $103 from client’s account. Client will see this amount before he clicks the checkout button.
    • Item Name defines how description will be shown to your client. Common Placeholders can be used. For example “Payment for SERVICE” may be translated as “Payment for Hair Cut”
    • Client instructions can be added which will be shown as tooltip over the gateway selection. HTML and common placeholders are allowed.
  5. Click Save Settings button
User Experience
  • As client picks a time slot, price of the service is added to the total amount either directly or by a discount, e.g. because of custom price rule or down payment percentage, if set
  • If you are using Shopping Cart or similar Multiple Appointments addon,  client can add more time slots and total amount is summed up. Time slots are reserved with status In cart
  • If there is only one active gateway client can click Checkout button
  • If there are more than one active payment gateways, then client needs to pick a gateway on the confirmation form. Until he selects a payment method, checkout button is disabled.
  • When client clicks Checkout button, picked up time slot(s) are reserved with status pending and a credit card form is displayed
  • Client is required to enter credit card details, and also name and email fields
  • As he clicks the payment button, in a few seconds credit card is validated from Stripe and if payment is validated, a confirmation message is displayed and a confirmation email is sent to client. Admin and service provider receive a notification email.
  • If credit card is not validated, a configurable and customizable error message is displayed and client is expected to correct the entry or submit another credit card. You can find these message and also form fields in WP BASE → Display Settings → Custom Texts page by searching for “cc_” (last character is underscore) without quotation marks.
  • If client does not complete payment process, after a time set in Pending Payment bookings auto removal time, status of booking is changed as removed and also marked as abandoned therefore reserved time slots are freed. This setting is in WP BASE → Global Settings → General page.
Admin – Checking Transaction after Collecting Payment with Stripe
  • As soon as payment is confirmed, status of booking is changed to paid and payment information is automatically recorded in the database. You can check this payment in WP BASE → Transactions page
  • Alternatively you can click on the paid column for the booking on WP BASE → Bookings page
  • Record includes reference, payment amount, and transaction time
  • In general, payments coming from payment gateways cannot be edited
When two or more gateways are active, checkout button is disabled until client picks one.
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