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Custom Texts

WP BASE has integrated Custom Texts tool which allows you customize or translate all front end texts and messages as your require. You do not need any 3rd part plugin or tool for this purpose.

To enter your custom texts proceed as follows:

  1. Visit WP BASE → Display Settings → Custom Texts page
  2. Each custom text is a row in the table. Enter your custom text in Your Text  column
  3. Continue for other rows you want to change. You can get use of Search field to dynamically find the text you want to change. You can use pagination links to access further rows or Show all entries on upper left side of the table to view all rows
  4. When finished click Save Custom Texts button

Description of the columns:

  • Name is internal name of the custom text (key of the array). It may be required for developers
  • Description is intended to explain what custom text will be used for
  • Default Text is the value displayed on the front end when no custom text is entered
  • Your Text is the text that will be displayed instead of default text. You can keep it empty if default text is suitable

Custom texts are for customization/translation of front end texts only. If you want translation of admin side, then you will need a translation tool, e.g. Poedit

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