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Export & Import

With Export & Import Addon you can move your WP BASE related data from one website to another or use it for backup or further analysis purposes.

Visit WP BASE → Tools → Export/Import

Export Bookings in CSV format is suitable for further analysing and creating statistics of your bookings.

  • To export all booking records, check the check boxes to select columns you want to include (Your selection of checked columns will be saved for later export actions).
  • Click Export button.
  • A CSV file will be downloaded to your PC uncluding ALL booking records (with selected columns). You can open this file with Excel or OpenOffice Calc and analyse records in detail.

Importing with CSV format is not supported. Instead use SQL export/import explained below.

Export and Import Global Settings is suitable for backing up your settings or copying them to another website. WP BASE stores global settings in WordPress options database table. Your custom texts are also exported to this file.

  • To export Global Settings, click the Export Settings button. A file with json format will be downloaded to your PC.
  • To import Global Settings to the same or another website, check Include email and SMS Templates and Include Custom Texts check boxes as required: If you want to keep your current texts for these settings, leave check boxes unchecked; if you want to import these texts and overwrite current settings, check the related check boxes.
  • Click the related Choose File button, point the previously imported json file
  • Click Import Settings button. The json file will be uploaded to your server and you will get a message after upload finishes. If you get an error message, ensure that json file is the correct one.

Export and Import Database Tables is again suitable for backing up your appointment records or copying them to another website. This export not only includes WP BASE database tables, but also parts of related WordPress tables, for example posts having WP BASE shortcodes, users who are service providers, etc.

To export database tables, click Export Database Tables button. An SQL file (source) will be saved on your PC including these tables and records:

  1. All records of WP BASE locations, services, service providers, working hours, holidays, alternative schedules, annual assignments, transactions, and bookings.
  2. WordPress users who are service providers and/or WP BASE clients
  3. Posts/pages which include any WP BASE shortcode
  4. Location, service, service provider description pages
  5. Appointment Cancelled and PayPal Return Pages
  6. Post meta and user meta of the exported posts and users

To Import Database Tables to the same or another website (target):

  • Click the related Choose File button,
  • Point the previously exported SQL file.
  • If you do not want to import WP BASE pages and Bookings + Transactions, clear related check box.
  • Click Import Database Table button. The SQL file will be uploaded to your server and a series of operations will be commenced:
    • WP BASE tables on the target website will be truncated (all records erased) and new (source) records will be added. WordPress user and post tables are not erased and new records may be added:
    • Users in the source records will be checked to match by their email. If a matching user email is found on the target website, user will not be inserted, and new added records will be adjusted with their existing user ID.
    • If user is not found on the target website, they will be created. Their ID will be kept the same, if possible. If this is not possible, new added records will be adjusted with this new user ID.
    • If user record is successfully created or a matching user is found to be already existing, source user metas will be checked for existence on the target. They will be updated or created as required.
    • Posts/pages in the source records will be checked to match by the content. If the same content is found on the target, post will not be inserted, and ID of the existing post will be used to adjust settings and other database records.
    • If post content is not found, new post will be created. Its ID will be kept the same, if possible. If not, new added records will be adjusted with this new post ID.
    • If post is succesfully created or a matching post is found to be existing, source post metas will be checked for existence on the target. They will be updated or created as required.
  • After these operations you should see a message indication the result: Failure, success or partial success. In every case you can check the log file for the details of the result.

DB prefix of source and target can be different. Export/Import between multisite installation and solo installation is also allowed. Please note that when exporting from a multi site installation and importing to a solo installation, not only the blog users, but all related multisite users are transferred/created.

Do NOT use another tool (e.g. phpmyadmin) to import records using the exported file. WP BASE is performing numerous actions to adjust the source file to the target. Without these actions import may end with unintended results.


  1. Target and source websites should be using the same WP BASE database version. Otherwise import may partly or fully fail. You can check the database version by Help → About → Installed DB version.
  2. WP BASE widgets are exported and imported. However, you may need to rebuild them using Appearance → Widgets page.
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