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Reminder & Follow-up emails

With Reminder & Follow-up emails you can send automatic emails to your clients and providers as reminder and follow up.

This addon places three setting tabs on WP BASE → Global Settings → Email page.


Reminders are sent to clients and/or providers at set hours before appointment takes place. Multiple reminders are possible by entering  comma separated values in Reminder email Sending Time field. For example  entering 48,24 will send two emails: First one 48 hours, second one 24 hours before the appointment.

Reminder email Sending Time settings are separate for client and provider.

In Reminder email Subject and Reminder email Message fields you can enter email subject and message using email placeholders. Placeholders are upper case words or word groups which will be replaced by real values of the booking. For example “Dear CLIENT” may become “Dear Hakan Ozevin”.

A list of placeholders and their description can be seen on top of email settings.

Due Payment Reminder

This email is sent to client when their balance is greater than Due Payment Reminder Sending Limit of Balance setting. The idea of this setting is avoid sending such a reminder for negligible amounts. It is up to you to decide how much is negligible.

In Appointment Statuses Due Payment emails Applied to multiple selection pull down menu you should select for which booking statuses due payment reminder will be sent. Confirmed is the normal status to choose, but you can also include paid and pending. If no statuses have been selected, reminder will not be sent.

Due Payment Reminder email Sending Time is similar to the above Reminder email Sending Time except it calculates time counting from booking creation time. For example entering 48,24 will send two emails: First one 48 hours, second one 24 hours after booking has been recorded.

In Due Payment Reminder email Subject and Due Payment Reminder email Message fields you can enter email subject and message using email placeholders. Placeholders are upper case words or word groups which will be replaced by real values of the booking. For example “Dear CLIENT” may become “Dear Hakan Ozevin”.

A list of placeholders and their description can be seen on top of email settings.

Follow Up

Follow up emails can be sent to your clients or potential clients who created a booking record (can be abandoned, cancelled) but did not book again for some time, which is defined in Follow-up email Sending Time setting.

This setting again accepts multiple values, and calculated from last activity of the client (completed or cancelled booking). For example entering 30,60 will send two emails: First one 30 days, second one 60 days after their latest booking.

In Follow up email Subject and Follow up email Message fields you can enter email subject and message using email placeholders. Placeholders are upper case words or word groups which will be replaced by real values of the booking. For example “Dear CLIENT” may become “Dear Hakan Ozevin”.

A list of placeholders and their description can be seen on top of email settings.

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