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Variable Durations

Variable Durations addon provides two tools to control service duration: Selectable Durations and Time & SP Variant Durations.

Selectable Durations

  • Selectable Durations allow your clients pick desired duration of service on the front end by a pull down menu.
  • This menu is automatically displayed by [app_book]. If you are not using this shortcode, e.g. in case of modular shortcodes, you can manually add the menu to the desired position on the page with .
  • You can limit which durations are selectable on the front end using the multiselect pulldown menu in the settings. This menu includes selectable values from regular duration of the service upto 24 hours in increments of the Time base. Note: It is not possible to select duration less than regular duration. If this is required, try reducing regular duration and/or time base.
  • To activate the selectable durations feature for a particular service, check the “Enable” checkbox and select at least 2 durations. It is allowed, but not recommended to omit the regular duration, because on first page load, WP BASE will display the available slots based on regular duration and omitting this value may be confusing.
  • If you want to apply service price based on client duration selection, fill in the Unit Price field. If you leave this field empty, service price will be fixed at the regular price regardless of selected duration.
  • If you set a unit price, regular price of the service will also be matched to this value. For example, for a 30 minutes service if you enter $100 as unit price, regular price will be automatically set to $50.
  • Unit price is also effective for Time Variant durations.
  • If both Selectable Durations and Time Variant Durations are enabled, for overlapping time slots the latter one has priority.
  • Selectable Durations and Recurring Appointments can be used in combination. For example, client can select 1, 2 or 4 hours of a service recurring every week for 1 to 8 weeks.
  • Selectable duration is not possible for packages. If Packages is active, durations cannot be selected on the front end

Time & Service Provider Variant Durations

  • Time and SP Variant Durations allow you preset different service durations for different week days and times. For example you can set a service to last for 1 hour in the morning, 2 hours on Monday afternoons, 3 hours on Friday afternoons.
  • It is also possible to set different durations for different service providers, for example if a particular service provider is slower than the others.
  • The regular duration of the service is overridden if a row of settings (called a “rule”) matches with the selected service provider and date/time.
  • To activate the selectable durations feature for a particular service, check the “Enable” checkbox and add at least one rule by clicking “Add Rule” button.
  • In the inserted new row, select the desired new duration, service provider, week day and time for which rule will be effective. Selected from/to values are included in the range, e.g. from 10:00, to 10:00 settings will match for time slots starting at 10:00 only. Addon does not account for the end time of the slot.
  • If you have the same rule for multiple days of the week, simply add a rule for each day.
  • In case there are more than one matching rules, you can select the rule to be applied: First match, last match, min duration, max duration and regular duration.
  • You can custom sort the rules by selecting the rule row with mouse and move it to the selected position.
  • If you want to apply service price based on duration of the service, fill in the Unit Price field in Selectable Durations part. If you leave this field empty, service price will be fixed at the regular price regardless of selected duration.
  • If both Selectable Durations and Time Variant Durations are enabled, the latter one has priority provided that at least a rule matches.
  • Time & SP Variant Durations and Recurring Appointments can be used in combination. For example if a 2 hours training is set to be 4 hours at the weekends in Time variant Durations, selecting 7 days will automatically include extra hours for the weekends and price will be correctly calculated from unit price.
  • Time & SP Variant Durations selection is not meaningful for a package, because the duration of a package is determined by its jobs. You can use time variant duration settings directly in the services making the jobs of a package, however. Example: Consider a back-to-back service package of Hair cut and Manicure which normally lasts for 60 minutes each and 120 minutes in total. Suppose that you have a hairdresser who cuts hair at 90 minutes. You can define a rule for him/her in “Hair Cut” service (not in the package) and when he/she is picked up, hair cut + manicure package will last for 150 minutes, not 120.
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