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[app_account] Shortcode

[app_account] shortcode creates a complete page to view and manage bookings and change WP BASE related profile settings on the front end. It can be viewed by clients, providers and admin, but everyone will see different content depending on their roles. The created page consists of following tabs:

  • Dashboard: Displayed only if Multi Vendor Marketplace addon is activated and user is a vendor. Displays summary and statistics for bookings of the vendor.
  • My Bookings: Creates a list of bookings which is identical to app_list shortcode.
  • Manage Bookings: Displayed only if Front End Booking Management addon is installed and activated. In this tab, admin can manage all bookings, provider can manage his own bookings and add new ones.
  • Weekly, 4 Weeks, Monthly, 3 Months Schedules: Providers can view their schedules in given time ranges.
  • Services: Providers can access to this tab only if Providers can Create/Edit Own Services setting on Business Settings > Providers > Global Provider Settings page is set as Yes. Providers can add and edit their own services.
  • Working Hours, Holidays: Providers can access this tab only if Providers can Set Own Working Hours on Business Settings > Providers > Global Provider Settings page is set as Yes. They can manage their working schedules and also add/remove holidays.
  • Seasonal Schedules: Displayed only if Seasonal Working Hours addon is installed and activated. Providers can access this tab only if Providers can Set Own Seasonal Schedules on Business Settings > Providers > Global Provider Settings page is set as Yes. They can select their yearly schedules from preset alternative schedules. Currently they cannot add new schedules.
  • Payment History: Providers can access this tab only if Providers can View Payments on Business Settings > Providers > Global Provider Settings page is set as Yes. Clients can always view this tab.
  • Commissions: Displayed only if Multi Vendor Marketplace addon is activated and user is a vendor. Displays list of paid and unpaid commissions of the vendor.
  • Credit History: Displayed only for clients and only if Credits addon is installed and activated. Shows list of purchased and used credits.
  • Profile Settings: Providers and clients can edit their profile information, e.g. name, email, postcode, address and other user defined fields in this tab.

From the above tabs, clients can only view Bookings, Payment History, Credit History and Profile Settings tabs.

You can disable tabs using “exclude” attribute. For example [app_account exclude="weekly, settings"] will exclude Weekly schedule and Settings tab from the account page. For a list of shortcode attributes see Help > Shortcodes.

This shortcode is automatically added to Account page of WooCommerce in case of WooCommerce-WP BASE integration.

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