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Extended Service Features

Extended Service Features & Categories Addon has 3 group of settings:

  • Defining Categories for Services explained on this page
  • Setting Special Days, which are used in common with Quotas addon.
  • Defining Limits for booking, cancelling and editing for each service.

Limits can be entered clicking More link under each service on WP BASE → Business Settings → Services page.

Limits for booking, cancelling and editing are already available globally, which means without the Addon there is only one setting for each limit which is valid for all services.

These settings allow you to define every one of them individually and more precisely (in minutes instead of hours) for each service. If you leave a setting blank, global setting will be applied instead. Note: Entering zero does not mean leaving blank: it will override the global setting with zero for that service.

These settings also allow you to set different limits for weekday (Monday to Friday), weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and for definable special days.

Lower limit (also called lead time) is the minimum time between start of the appointment and submission time to book for it.

Upper limit is the number of days that a client can apply for an appointment in advance, counted from submission date.

Editing limit is used in conjunction with Front End Edit addon and it is the minimum time between start of the appointment and start and finish editing.

Cancellation limit is the minimum time between start of the appointment and attempt to cancel a booking.

Special Days can be defined in its tab by clicking “Special Days” link in the settings or by directly clicking the tab. Simply select your special days on the calendar by clicking on desired dates for current year and following years.

For Lower Limit, Editing Limit and Cancellation Limit, the day here corresponds to the day that that appointment starts.
In case of Upper Limit, this is the day of the submission in order to book that appointment.
Entering a negative upper value completely turns off booking of the service. Therefore, using negative value for Special Days for Upper Value can be used to close booking *on* (not *for*) certain dates.

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