Category: Back End Tools

Back end tools for WP BASE are addons that do not create an output on the front end. In general these have functionality for emails, service and booking management and similar.


Quotas addon allows limiting number of booking made by your clients with different limit values for day (separate for weekday, weekend), week, month and in total.

  • Quotas can only be applied to logged in clients
  • Each service has its own quota values
  • Also applied…
Free Download

As of WP BASE V4.0, this addon has been incorporated into WP BASE core and it is no more available as a separate download.

Online Meetings addon allows integration with three different platforms separately: Zoom, Jitsi and Agora audio/video meetings systems.

With Zoom, each booking creates a Zoom meeting in your Zoom account. Then your client can join to this meeting on Zoom website at the appointment time using Join…

Starting at: $39.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

WP BASE addon BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Integration allows your members to display and control their bookings on BuddyPress (BP) profile pages. It also allows BP member Service Providers to sell their own services on their profile page.

Booking related events, e.g. new booking, payment made,…

Starting at: $39.00

This addon is not sold individually and it is only available as part of WP BASE Developer Package

Allows attaching formatted text as pdf file to emails, e.g. to be used as tickets, vouchers, invoices. Formatted text and related css is entered in Emails tab and is automatically converted to a pdf file and attached to the email. Attachments can be defined for…

Starting at: $29.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

WP BASE Developer Package (WP BASE Dev) includes all current and future addons of WP BASE and it is intended for developers or business owners who want to have the latest version of all addons without wasting time to follow each addon…

Starting at: $199.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

Multi Language addon allows you to display service, provider names and other variables of your booking system to be displayed in language preference of the visitors. Also email and SMS messages can be sent in client language.

For example a German speaking visitor will be…

Starting at: $29.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

SMS addon for WP BASE allows you to send SMS messages using Twilio service for confirmation, reminder, completion, cancellation notifications.

For each of the recipients, which can be client, provider and admin, a different message template can be used.

Almost any of the booking parameters,…

Starting at: $29.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

Google Calendar Addon allows two way synchronization between:

  • Overall bookings and Google Calendar account of the website
  • Own bookings of service providers and their Google Calendar account
  • When Locations addon is activated, bookings made for the location and dedicated calendar of the…
Starting at: $39.00

All purchase options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms

Value Added Text (VAT) is not included in the prices. Our payment processor Paddle is a registered VAT authority located in the United Kingdom and it will apply VAT, if applicable. View Applicable Countries and VAT Rates

Test bookings

Test Bookings addon creates partly or fully random bookings for test purposes. Number of bookings to be added over available time slots is selectable. Booking for a random or particular client, service and provider is also selectable. After testing has been finished, test bookings can…

Free Download

As of WP BASE V4.0, this addon has been incorporated into WP BASE core and it is no more available as a separate download.

Export Import

Export & Import Addon allows settings and WP BASE related database tables to be exported for backup or website transfer purposes.

  • WordPress user records who are clients and service providers are also exported/imported
  • If users are already existing in the target website, they are…
Free Download

As of WP BASE V4.0, this addon has been incorporated into WP BASE core and it is no more available as a separate download.